New findings on ocean warming: 5 questions answered
According to a new study, the oceans have absorbed more heat from climate change than previously thought. This could mean…
According to a new study, the oceans have absorbed more heat from climate change than previously thought. This could mean…
Will it embolden or neuter the Arab world's autocratic regimes?
Más de dos tercios de los inmigrantes centroamericanos sufrirán actos de violencia en su viaje por México, desde el robo…
When immigrants come to the US, it isn't just the people who assimilate. The microbes in their gut also become Westernized…
The very first cyberattack clogged up the nascent internet, halting digital communications. Now much bigger, the internet…
In 1968, Lyndon Johnson's ridicule of presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey as weak and feminine tells us something…
Lung Cancer Awareness Month starts today, but observance of it often slips under the radar, in part because there are so…
Many Americans feel anxiety or dread when it comes to math. A lot of that anxiety starts in childhood.
Two of the fastest growing segments of the American population Latino and Asian-American voters - also are part of evangelical…
A study of the social cost of carbon emitted by the shrinking fleet of Texan coal plants suggests that closing more of them…
Shrewd media consumers think about these three statistical pitfalls that can be the difference between a world-changing…
A record number of women are poised to win public office in 2018. But don't look to California for help shifting the…
Twitter and Facebook have said they will take steps to fight hate and abuse on their sites, but they have not yet adequately…
Los emigrantes de Nicaragua envían más de mil millones de dólares a su país cada año. Este dinero ha ejercido un papel…
A well-known scholar of violence against women describes her own harrowing assault – and how the #MeToo movement changed…
A polarized electorate is divided into tribal camps that demonize each other. That's the setting for the upcoming midterm…
The shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue joins a list of more than 200 other ideologically motivated attacks by far-right…
While the US sends observers around the world to monitor elections, few will be present during the 2018 midterms in the…
The idea of welcoming the stranger is central to Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Today, that engenders a responsibility…
On Oct. 31, 1517, a German monk, Martin Luther, started the Protestant Reformation. Its impact went far beyond the split…