Transgender Americans still face workplace discrimination despite some progress and support of compa
While US companies have made significant strides in creating workplaces that are more inclusive of transexual individuals,…
While US companies have made significant strides in creating workplaces that are more inclusive of transexual individuals,…
Without their devices, regular GPS users take longer to negotiate a route, travel more slowly and make larger navigational…
Las tareas de los padres están cambiando, pero las expectativas de la sociedad no están al día. Muchos papás usan grupos…
Two trucks carrying migrants have gone missing in Veracruz, Mexico. A witness says that '65 children and seven women…
Researchers have tried unsuccessfully for decades to develop a malaria vaccine. Now a new approach, showing promise in mice,…
White men hold more racial bias toward blacks than white women do, and this harms blacks' health in significant ways.…
Reporters who cover environment and natural resource issues are commonly threatened and harassed around the world. Some…
The system allows voters to pick their first, second- and third-choice candidates – and could encourage more civil campaigns.
As fictional inventors make terrible choices on the big screen, real-world tech innovators can learn from their example…
The demographics of name change petitioners today – and the reasons that they give – tell a complicated story of race,…
While a record number of women are headed to Congress, a number of conservative measures passed across states. What explains…
The head of the World Health Organization calls air pollution 'the new tobacco' because it causes millions of preventable…
Some say the more than 230 cities that lost their bids for Amazon's second headquarters were dupes in the retailer's…
Investigadores monitorizaron el sueño de los jóvenes así como sus cerebros. Un mejor sueño implicó un desarrollo cerebral…
The internet makes it easier for discarded stuff to land in someone else's home instead of the dump.
The Voting Rights Act offers language assistance for voters with limited English proficiency. What can we learn from an…
It has taken hundreds, if not thousands, of years to create the juicy, shiny produce that you take for granted at the supermarket.…
Since plants can't pick up and move to greener pastures if conditions are tough, some have evolved interesting and sneaky…
The traditional role of chaplains is changing. They are increasingly present in social movements such as Occupy, Standing…