You may not even need a telescope to see Comet 46P/Wirtanen in the night sky this month
A bright comet visible in December provides an excellent viewing opportunity for night sky lovers – even potentially with…
A bright comet visible in December provides an excellent viewing opportunity for night sky lovers – even potentially with…
Un climatólogo que ha visitado el mismo glaciar en Perú durante varios años explica los complejos impactos de su rápido…
Rising e-commerce means more delivery trucks and urban gridlock. Lockers at transit centers, where carriers can leave packages…
Whether a technology helps or hurts someone depends not on how much time he spends with it, but how he uses it.
Whether forged by geological processes or laboratory techniques, diamonds are diamonds. Their unique properties mean they…
Sixty years ago, stereo promised to forever change the way people listened to music. But how could record companies convince…
Drivers buy less gas when filling the tank burns holes in their wallets.
Democracies survive if political norms and traditions are upheld. So the recent actions of GOP legislators in Wisconsin…
Parents of teens often worry about marijuana use and whether it might lead to other drugs or behavioral problems. A recent…
Multiple studies have found the overall impact on labor markets to be minor, even if some workers will need new career paths.
A survey done of transgender people right after they read a story on the government's move to deny transgender identity…
The significant churn in the Trump administration has caused confusion in foreign policymaking. In contrast, Bush's…
Experts describe their research into how smartphones collect and share private personal information with tracking companies…
Behind today's mythical Santa Claus from the North Pole, is a real saint – St. Nicholas. How he came to be today's…
Both natural and artificial Christmas trees have environmental impacts, but they're not major. What matters most is…
New research confirms that people tend to rush to judgment, in spite of believing their own decisions and those of others…
Cientos de ciudades en Estados Unidos usan el monitoreo electrónico para mejorar la seguridad vial. Pero los estudios muestran…
The Constitution's guarantee of due process means this effort should not be taken lightly, legal scholars argue.
In Myanmar, spousal abuse is legal and stigma stop most women from reporting sexual violence. A bill championed by feminists…