As hunting declines, efforts grow to broaden the funding base for wildlife conservation
Much of the money for wildlife conservation in the United States comes from taxes and fees paid by sportsmen. But as fewer…
Much of the money for wildlife conservation in the United States comes from taxes and fees paid by sportsmen. But as fewer…
More often than not, the group owes more money than it has available to spend at the end of the year.
The Trump administration has banned NIH researchers from using fetal tissue. The tissue is an essential tool for scientists…
Universal Coverage Day came only three days shy of the deadline for open enrollment in the US. Why are much smaller, less…
Wireless charging is conceptually easy but technically difficult. Devices that can adjust themselves to optimize charging…
Colombian researchers hope to revive an endangered species by rehabilitating monkeys confiscated from smugglers. The captive…
Two-thirds of people who report workplace sexual harassment say they lost their jobs or are retaliated against in other…
The Houthis belong to the Shiite branch of Islam. The Houthi insurgency began in the early 1990s, spurred in part by growing…
Some say the hysteria over screen time echoes parents' worries that their kids were watching too much TV in the 1980s.…
There's a spectrum of quality when it comes to what kids can do with screen time. An expert in early childhood technology…
As more parents turn to social media to post videos of themselves punishing their children, an educational psychologist…
The effort to edit the genes of Chinese twins implies that all our traits are determined by our genes. But changing our…
In the #MeToo era and with more women entering Congress, activists are hopeful another state could ratify the Equal Rights…
2018 is on track to become only the second coup-free year in a century. Coup risk is way down worldwide, thanks to growing…
For indigenous peoples, winter solstice has been a time to honor their ancient sun deity. Their rituals reveal a deep understanding…
Science is in a reproducibility crisis. This is driven in part by invalid statistical analyses that happen long after the…
Who wouldn't want to travel in time, glimpsing the dinosaurs or peeking at humans 2,000 years from now? Now physicists…
The Harry Potter universe has become a popular setting for stories featuring autistic characters, written by young writers…
The country's carbon emissions should level off again soon.
Studies confirm what many older adults already know: They are sexual. And, studies also suggest that sex is good for them..…