No, Trump is not like Obama on Middle East policy
Obama's plan to withdraw from Afghanistan had several facets and was part of a wider strategy in the Middle East.
Obama's plan to withdraw from Afghanistan had several facets and was part of a wider strategy in the Middle East.
Banned since 2011, pork-barrel spending may well help Congress pass bills on schedule. Now, a powerful Democratic lawmaker…
Despite the #MeToo movement, women in politics still face challenges in talking openly about gender equality.
Most Congresses since the 1970s have passed more than 500 laws, ranging from nuclear disarmament to deficit reduction. Will…
Law enforcement officials aren't trained in recognizing hate crimes, leaving national numbers on these attacks unreliable.
Eight decades after missing aviator Amelia Earhart was declared dead, technologies still don't quite track every airplane…
When it comes to helping students who've lost a loved one, educators often don't know what to do or say. A pediatrician…
Whether schadenfreude arises out of envy or a sense of justice, some psychologists believe a darker impulse is at play.
While the euro's survival for two decades is evidence of its success, it was born with fundamental problems that have…
China just became the first country to land a probe on the far side of the moon. It's a technological achievement and…
Elections are supposed to hold politicians accountable: Officials who fear losing their seat will work harder for voters.…
El 43% de los norteamericanos cree, erróneamente, que vacunarse contra la gripe provoca que uno contraiga esta enfermedad,…
First elected in 1987, Pelosi offers decades of experience at building coalitions and she excels as a Democratic fundraiser.…
Many of the crop plants that feed us waste 20 percent of their energy, especially in hot weather. Plant geneticists prove…
A new study shows that facial recognition software assumes that black faces are angrier than white faces, even when they're…
Data gathered from EPA reports, staffers and retirees show the Trump administration has brought fewer environmental enforcement…
Rather than bypass college to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, members of Generation Z are increasingly partnering with…
A neuroscientist explains how detention can affect a developing mind, as a new law in California sets the highest age limit…
Insurance companies sometimes try to cut costs by substituting less expensive drugs for a specific drug prescription. That's…
Even though the Holocaust is one of the best documented genocides in history, there's limited quantitative data available.…